
Unlocking Success at Westminster Cathedral Choir School: A Comprehensive Guide to 7+ Admissions and Exam Preparation

by Richard Davis on Jun 15, 2023

Unlocking Success at Westminster Cathedral Choir School: A Comprehensive Guide to 7+ Admissions and Exam Preparation
Introducing Westminster Cathedral Choir School (WCCS)

Westminster Cathedral Choir School is a prestigious independent preparatory school for boys aged 4-13, located in Victoria, City of Westminster. Renowned for its outstanding music program, WCCS provides a rich education in academics, sports, arts, and culture, while maintaining a strong Roman Catholic ethos[1]. Many WCCS students have gone on to study at prestigious secondary schools, showcasing the high standard of education provided at the institution.


The Importance of the Choir in WCCS Culture

A significant aspect of Westminster Cathedral Choir School is its celebrated choir program[2]. As one of the few cathedral schools in the United Kingdom, WCCS takes immense pride in its choir and the level of musical excellence achieved by its students. While not all boys are required to play a musical instrument, the school fosters a lifelong love and appreciation for music, allowing students to choose their own pathways in this area as they grow and develop.


WCCS 7+ Admissions and Exam Format

Admissions for entry into the Westminster Cathedral Choir School at 7+ is a competitive process, requiring students to sit an entrance exam typically held in January of Year 2. The exam covers subjects including English, Mathematics, and Verbal Reasoning. Prospective students are also assessed through reading aloud and an informal conversation with a member of the school's senior staff[3]. In addition to the exam, candidates may need to attend an interview, and a reference from their current school may also be taken into consideration[4].

The Westminster Cathedral Choir School 7+ exam format consists of the following components:

  • English (60 minutes) - A comprehension and composition paper, with additional assessments in punctuation and spelling[5].
  • Mathematics (45 minutes) - A paper focusing on problem-solving abilities and arithmetic skills[6].
  • Verbal Reasoning (30 minutes) - A test designed to evaluate a student's logical thinking, language proficiency, and vocabulary[7].


Opportunities for Staff and Students

Westminster Cathedral Choir School is not only a prestigious institution for students but also provides an enriching environment for its staff[8]. The WCCS staff, comprising experienced teachers and musicians, work together to deliver high-quality education while nurturing the varied talents of their students. Additionally, the school maintains a strong alumni network and showcases a long list of accomplished former students, signifying the institution's positive influence on the lives of its pupils.


Recommended Resources for WCCS 7+ Exam Preparation

For students preparing for the 7+ entrance exam at Westminster Cathedral Choir School, the right resources can make a significant difference in their performance. Our recommended practice materials are designed specifically to prepare students for the challenges posed by the WCCS exam and foster the skills and confidence needed for success. 

1. 7+ English Comprehension Books: Our targeted comprehension books are perfect for students preparing for the 7+ English exam at Westminster Cathedral Choir School. These resources focus on key topics and provide ample practice opportunities to help develop and strengthen a child's comprehension skills:


2. 7+ Mathematics Books: Our dedicated 7+ maths books align with the content required for the WCCS entrance exam, providing students with comprehensive practice and subject-specific guidance:


3. KS2 Creative Writing Book: This creative writing resource caters to the writing component of the WCCS 7+ English exam. It offers guidance and expert advice, allowing students to develop their writing skills and express themselves creatively:


Tips for Effective Preparation
  1. Start early: Begin preparing for the 7+ exam well in advance to ensure that your child is familiar with the test format and has ample time to practice.
  2. Develop a study plan: Incorporating a structured study schedule can ensure that all subjects are covered systematically and that your child stays motivated throughout the preparation process.
  3. Use targeted resources: Make use of our comprehensive and targeted learning materials, specifically designed for the WCCS 7+ entrance exam, to refine your child's skills in English, Mathematics, and Verbal Reasoning.
  4. Encourage reading: Reading fiction and non-fiction texts can help develop your child's vocabulary and comprehension abilities, both essential components of the WCCS entrance exam.
  5. Monitor progress: Keep track of your child's improvement and tailor their study plan accordingly to maximize learning outcomes and boost confidence.


WCCS Fee Structure and Financial Assistance

Investing in a high-quality education, such as the one offered at Westminster Cathedral Choir School, requires a clear understanding of the financial commitment involved. WCCS is a fee-paying independent school and has a well-defined fee structure for each academic year and level. It is essential for parents to consider these costs when choosing an institution for their child and to prepare for any changes in the fee structure over time.

WCCS offers various financial assistance options for eligible families in need, including scholarships and bursaries. These can help with tuition fees and ensure that students have access to the top-notch education provided, regardless of their financial circumstances[9]. Additionally, the school encourages families to explore any available external funding sources that may further support their child's education.

By staying informed about the current fee structure at Westminster Cathedral Choir School and understanding the financial assistance options available, parents can make well-informed decisions and ensure their child receives the best education possible in a supportive environment.



Preparing for the Westminster Cathedral Choir School 7+ entrance exam can be a challenging but rewarding journey. By utilizing targeted resources, developing a structured study plan, and fostering a positive attitude, your child will be well on their way to success at this prestigious institution. Best of luck to you and your child in their journey towards academic excellence!



[1] Westminster Cathedral Choir School website,

[2] Ibid.

[3] Westminster Cathedral Choir School Admissions page, 

[4] Ibid.

[5] Ibid.

[6] Ibid.

[7] Ibid.

[8] Westminster Cathedral Choir School Staff, 

[9] Westminster Cathedral Choir School Bursaries page,